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Sometimes life and world events make me wonder...

Musings From the Past

23 July 2020


Life has a way of testing a person's will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen at once."

- Paulo Coelho


What an apt summary of what 2020 has been to date... unprecedented times challenging us on all possible fronts: individual and societal, educational and financial, physical and emotional... it is a time of true reckoning. It feels impossible to know how to move forward with any kind of hope or positivity under such uncertain circumstances. All we can do is remember that the human spirit is resilient, that humankind has survived world catastrophes, and that we, too, will emerge from this.


For those of us in the creative and performing arts, it may feel as though we have been silenced... Yet now is the time to really listen to our souls, which may feel weary, uninspired, hurt. But remember that we are the ones who *really* know the depth and beauty of humanity - dark and light, pain and joy, all of the messy dichotomies - because we have chosen to live in this space.  Our inner voices will guide us through the chaos.


I look forward to encountering you on the path to the other side of this. Until then, remember:


“We can measure how brave you are by how vulnerable you're willing to be. […] Vulnerability is not winning or losing;  it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.  Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.”

- Brené Brown



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