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My Personal Journey

Musicians' official biographies are, more often than not, a listing of professional achievements that are supposed to provide the reader with an understanding of the subject's accomplishments and "status" in their field. But rarely do we get a sense of who the person is, or what their paths entailed... hence this brief glimpse into my own personal journey.


I am very fortunate in that I get to do what I love for a living: I make music with incredible artists and teach wonderful people. There isn't much that is more fulfilling than that! But the course was far from easy - the route was circuitous, not always clear, and at times, extremely discouraging. My higher education with began an undergraduate degree in science, followed by detours in laboratory research, retail, teaching, accompanying, and office and administrative work before I found my way to a graduate program in accompanying and chamber music. There, I was happy to have found my true passion, though fought quite a struggle through my studies as I was woefully behind. There were many times I questioned (and still do!) whether this was the path for me.


Yet every step has contributed to who I am as a musician, a teacher, and most importantly, as a human being. For that, I am grateful. Every challenge teaches us some lesson that needs to be learned - without failure there is no chance of success. It's how we get back up that shows us where our passions and strengths are! Each experience becomes an integral part of who we are, and everyone that joins our path in the process enriches our lives. So onwards in this journey of life, embracing every opportunity that comes our way. We never know what lies around the corner, so let's make the most of where we are today.

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